Saturday, July 30, 2011

Stop Hunger Now Packaging Event 2011

What a wonderful day it was at our 1st annual Stop Hunger Now Packaging Event. I want to thank all that volunteered their time at the event and all that helped to raise money for this cause. This was a journey that started in January of this year and ended today with a bang! I am very grateful to all of you!!

Here are some of the stats from today's event:

Amount of money raised - $7,387.96
Amount of meals packaged - 28,884
Amount of money donated for additional meals -$166.00
Amount of additional meals that will be packaged by SHN staff - 664
Total of all meals to be sent off from today's event - 29,552
Number of volunteers at the event - 140
Number of churches participating in raising the money - 11
Number of local businesses participating in raising the money - 4
Amount of time the packaging event took - 4 Hours Total
        1 Hour of Setup / 2 Hours to package meals / 1 Hour of cleanup

Thanks to all that helped:

Young Memorial Baptist             Carolina Compu-Tech
Center UMC                              What-A-Burger #13
Mt. Carmel UMC                       Carquest Union Street
West Concord Baptist                 Barrier General Store
Boger's Chapel UMC
St. John's Lutheran
Westford UMC
Center Grove UMC
St. Paul UMC
Pine Grove
Cold Springs UMC

We will surely do this again next year, and I hope it can be even bigger! I will be sending out a postcard to all the churches in the area in December inviting all to join in our fight against hunger next year. We will start our money collection towards the end of January next year. Thanks again for everything that you have done. I will forever be grateful for it all!
Brian Almond
Cabarrus Fighting Hunger

Friday, July 29, 2011

Stop Hunger Now

Please join us...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

9:00 am

Cold Springs United Methodist Church